EasyAds 1.0.2 скрипт доски объявлений


Дата: 26.08.2017Просмотров: 1926
EasyAds скрипт доски объявлений

EasyAds скрипт доски объявлений - это уникальное приложение для комплексного размещения объявлений, которое отлично подходит для создания доски объявлений с различными категориями и для разных тематик.

Благодаря своему чистому и современному дизайну, скрипт EasyAds помогает вам зарабатывать реальные деньги и создать свой бизнес всего за несколько минут.

Вы будете поражены возможностями скрипта EasyAds и его набором функций, которые делают его одним из лучших скриптов на рынке досок объявлений.

Интеллектуальный комплексный установщик включен, поэтому вы можете сидеть сложа руки и расслабится, выполняя установку приложения на свой сервер.

Новые возможности скрипта:

- Business store account
- Company invoices with company details
- My store landing page
- Extension manager
- Admin control over number of ads on homepage
- Expired ads are visible for SEO
- Clean URLs admin control
- Auto generating .htaccess file

Основные функции скрипта:

- Built with PHP/MySQL – HTML5/CSS3.
- Yii2 Framework.
- Bootstrap v3.
- Fully responsive.
- LESS files included.
- Cross browser support.
- Multiple payment gateways integrated.
- Google maps integrated.
- Google Analytics integrated.
- SEO optimised.
- Phone and Email Protected from crawlers and scrapers.
- Facebook login
- Email system to handle parallel emails with email queue and templates integrated.
- Social shares in classified ad page.
- Optimised to not be blocked by Adblock browser extensions.

Возможности администрирования:

- Overall on the fly validation for admin forms.
- Notification bar system for application health and alerts.
- Autodetect RTL/LTR orientation.
- Easy and quick overall application translation.
- Detailed dashboard with application statistics and business growth.
- Overall control of classified ads in the application with option to deactivate unwanted ads.
- Classified Ads Stats and social shares.
- Possibility to choose between manual or automatic activation of a classified ad.
- Multi criteria options for packages, to create packages with different promoting options.
- Manage classified ads categories with possibility of creating infinite number of categories and sub-categories.
- Outstanding category custom fields system with a lot of field types.
- Inherit a set of custom field from the direct parent of the category.
- Content Management System for static pages with detailed attention to SEO.
- Manage Customers with ability to impersonate a customer on the frontend.
- Manage Admin users.
- Manage Groups for admin users.
- Manage Group access level for admin users.
- Manage widgets in the footer area.
- Manage invoice settings including your company logo.
- Manage admin theme with large number of options.
- Manage social media icons in the footer.
- Manage orders and orders transactions including payment gateway raw response.
- Manage Taxes with great number of options.
- Manage Currencies within your application.
- Manage Languages with automatic translation folder creation.
- Manage Countries and zones for classified ad posting.
- Related ads widget control.
- Lockdown application mode for maintenance work with a custom message to show clients.
- Great number of payment gateways integrated: Stripe, Paypal, Braintree and 2checkout.
- List all invoices with multiple options.
- Most complete and detailed emailing system is integrated.
- Email templates area to modify them as you wish.
- Email accounts area to create email accounts and assign them to templates.
- Autodetect invalid email account.
- Advanced Email Queue list.
- The most accurate activity log for admins.
- and much more.

Возможности пользователя:

- Responsive design to work great with tablets and mobiles.
- Regular and Social login.
- Autodetect RTL/LTR orientation.
- Overall on the fly validation for forms.
- Easy and quick overall application translation.
- Google maps for locations.
- Manageable Related classified ads widget.
- Promoted classified ads widget with random priority display.
- Other classified ads widget.
- Classified ad propriety option for search results.
- Classified ad auto renew option.
- Customisable footer widgets.
- Complex search system included.
- Search by category custom fields.
- Search by location.
- Search by category.
- Customer account area.
- Customer deactivate account option, with possibility to reactivate the account by simply login.
- Customer dashboard area with various number of options and stats.
- Customer favourites area.
- Customer invoices area.
- Modern classified ad page with outstanding features integrated.
- Modern classified preview ad page.
- Amazing images gallery with full screen feature.
- Intelligent notification bar system to show errors and alerts to customers.
- Intuitive design for payment gateways.
- Modern design for packages slider for package.
- Classified ad images can be sorted.
- Clean and SEO friendly pages design.
- Custom error page with modern skin.
- and much more.

Демо кабинета клиента:

Email: [email protected]
Password: demo123

Демо админки:

Email: [email protected]
Password: demo123
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